When it comes to estate planning, a little information can go a long way. In our blog, our legal team explores common problems we see when reviewing estate plans, as well as tips you can put into practice immediately to protect your future.
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Home Care Or Institutional Care?It might be easier than you think for you, or a loved one, to stay at home as you age... Nine out of 10 Americans say they ... Elder Law
Key Considerations When Selling Your BusinessWhile the truth may be painful, an entrepreneur who recognizes the realities they will face when selling a business will fare ... Business
A New Tool To Help Determine “Consciousness” Of The UnconsciousAn experimental tool designed to "peek" into a patient's brain and find signs of consciousness could eventually ... Elder Law
When It Is Time To Return Home From The Nursing HomeNapierski says Holmes would not have gone home without this help, buoyed by money the federal government is giving states for ... Elder Law
Business Owner Bankruptcy PointersI never advocate going all-in on a business, but at the very least it should be something that crosses your mind before ... Asset Protection
Income, Not Assets, Determine Obamacare SubsidiesThis week, I answer readers' questions about how income and other assets will affect health insurance choices and ... Elder Law
Economy Down, But Generosity UpLackluster economic growth and stubbornly high unemployment didn't stop Americans from being generous in 2012, according to a ... Charitable Gifting
Charging Order ChallengesDoubtless a large motivation behind the formation of many LLCs, as with Limited Partnerships ("LPs") is that an LLC ... Asset Protection
Mixing Business and Friendship Can Be Risky in Los Angeles CaliforniaIn today's highly competitive business climate, startup entrepreneurs want to pursue their most ambitious goals with people ... Business
Vietnam Veteran’s Benefits for Post- traumatic Stress Disorder in Los Angeles CAMore than a quarter million Vietnam-era veterans were discharged under other-than-honorable conditions, and thousands of ... Veteran's Benefits