When it comes to estate planning, a little information can go a long way. In our blog, our legal team explores common problems we see when reviewing estate plans, as well as tips you can put into practice immediately to protect your future.
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Elderly Need Protection from Abusive RelationshipsConsider the best way to avoid elderly abuse rather than just deal with it after it happens. People have a better chance of ... Elder Abuse
Do Wealthy Benefit the Most from Social Programs?Social entitlement programs enacted in the U.S. decades ago, have reduced elderly poverty. However, it appears that the ... Elder Law
Reason for Choosing Assisted Suicide May Be PsychologicalPain and suffering may not be real reason behind the choice. A new study suggests the terms of the debate over assisted ... Elder Issues
Getting Off ‘Master Death File’ Isn’t EasyMinnesota senator steps into fray and has man declared not dead after 29 years on the list. An error made 29 years ago that ... Elder Law
Digital History at the CemeteryScreens on headstones tell the story of a person's life. Information about the deceased's life can now be displayed on a ... Elder Issues
Preventing the Elderly from Becoming VictimsState and federal governments work to protect the elderly. The elderly have often been an easy target for people who want to ... Elder Abuse
Why Do Super-Agers Have Better Memories?While many older people have memory problems, there are a few elderly people with the mental capabilities of far younger ... Elder Issues
Festival Celebrates Frozen Dead GuyFrozen Norwegian grandfather remembered in Colorado town. Frozen Dead Guy Day is celebrated in an annual festival in ... Elder Law
A Free Memorial Offered at HospitalHospital employee will cast a dying patient's hand for loved ones. A unique art form is being offered as a memorial at a ...
It Might Be Time to Rethink Your RetirementA longer life span means that many Americans are not prepared for a long retirement. A major problem facing the U.S. today is ... Elder Law
High Sugar Diet May Have Hidden DangerResearchers beginning to suspect link between sugar and Alzheimer's Disease. New research has discovered a clue to the ... Elder Law
Imprisoned Serial Killer Seeks Right to DieIn prison for decades, a serial killer in the U.K. presents an unusual challenge. In the 1960s, with the help of a partner, ... Elder Law