When it comes to estate planning, a little information can go a long way. In our blog, our legal team explores common problems we see when reviewing estate plans, as well as tips you can put into practice immediately to protect your future.
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How an Estate Plan Can Protect Your PartnerWhile California’s probate code privileges spouses and other close relations, it does little to accommodate unmarried couples. Our CA attorney explains.
A Look Back at My Back and Forth PathAttorney Peter Keon celebrates his 20th anniversary with the firm with a story about how he got here!
Using Your iPhone to Write a WillAlthough an iPhone could be used to draft a will, California law does not accept iPhone wills as a legal document. Our CA attorney explains.
Will Robotics and AI Be the Future of Elder Care?Technological advancements in robotics and artificial intelligence may be opening the doors to new possibilities for supporting aging people.
Selecting the Right Executor for Your California EstateSince CA probate is a time-sensitive and deadline-driven process, choosing an estate executor should never be a last-minute decision. Our CA attorney explains.
The Pros and Cons of Taking Out a Reverse MortgageReverse mortgages can provide senior citizens and retirees with a fresh line of credit, but that benefit can come at a steep cost. Our CA attorney explains.
One Summer in AlbuquerquePhil Kavesh's summer in Albuquerque. As I always did, I took my father’s words very seriously, as gospel, which is why his commandment surprised me.
Why You Still Need an Estate Plan, Even if You Don’t Have HeirsCalifornians without close family may not believe they need an estate plan, but a plan may be the only way to prevent the state from seizing their assets.
Finding a Home Caregiver You Can TrustWhile home care is a cost-effective alternative to assisted living facilities, choosing the right caregiver can be a difficult task. Our CA attorney explains.
What Is Respite Care? Can It Help With Caregiver Burnout?It is easy to burn out when you are responsible for providing full-time care to an aging or disabled loved one.
Why Last-Minute Will Changes Can Spark SuspicionEven when a deathbed will is valid under California state law, any inconsistency—no matter how minor—may expose the estate to a contest. Read blog for more!
Is "Aging in Place" Right for Me?Most older adults want to remain in their homes and communities as they age rather than move into assisted living facilities or nursing homes. Our attorney explain.