When it comes to estate planning, a little information can go a long way. In our blog, our legal team explores common problems we see when reviewing estate plans, as well as tips you can put into practice immediately to protect your future.
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Are You a Family Caregiver? New Bill Seeks to Lower CostsA recently proposed bill called the Lowering Costs for Caregivers Act of 2023 is the result of a bipartisan effort to lessen the costs of family caregiving.
2024 Estate and Gift Tax Updates
Seniors and Anti-Obesity MedicationWeighing the advantages and disadvantages of anti-obesity drugs for seniors
Finding a Life Insurance Policy That Wasn’t Listed in a Will or TrustFinding a lost life insurance policy can be difficult, but putting in the effort could provide an unexpected windfall. Read the blog for more info!
The Advantages and Disadvantages of a Springing Power of AttorneyAlthough the springing power of attorney offers a simple solution to concerns about abuse of fiduciary power, it suffers from significant limitations.
“Oh No! I Can’t Access My Bank Accounts!!” - A Cautionary TaleImagine this. Your bank suddenly, without warning, closes all of your accounts, then sends you checks for the balances in the mail—without any explanation!
10 Ways to Maximize Your Social Security Retirement Benefits
Estate Planning for Same-Sex Couples in CaliforniaIn CA, same-sex couples have the same estate planning rights as their heterosexual counterparts. Our attorney explains how to ensure your estate’s safety.
Power of Attorney: Should Yours “Spring” or be Effective Immediately?The springing power of attorney could seem like an ideal way to prevent abuse, but it has significant downsides that can make enforcement difficult.
How Your Estate Plan Can Help Prevent Estate SquabblesSiblings often fight over inheritances. But, these disagreements can be curbed through careful estate planning strategies. Our CA attorney explains.
Favorite Holiday Memories & Family TraditionsThe holidays are typically a time when family and friends gather. Some personal stories by members of our law firm team...
What Will Your 2024 Social Security Benefits Look Like?In 2023, recipients of Social Security benefits saw the biggest increase in decades in their monthly checks.