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Lots to Be Thankful for in 2020 - November 2020 NewsletterLots to Be Thankful for in 2020 2020 has been an extremely difficult year for EVERYONE. Especially for those who have lost loved ones due to the pandemic, to those who have lost their jobs, who have faced the challenges of stay-at-home living, working and distance learning for their kids, and all of us who could not escape the heated media coverage and personal conversations around politics, elections, racism, and civil unrest. With all this tumultuous environment of 2020, as we near the Thanksgiving holiday, I find myself taking the time to stop and reflect on the many things that I am grateful for this year.
The (Best) Toughest Decision I Ever Had to Make - September 2020 NewsletterAt the time that my Dad passed away suddenly from a heart attack, about eleven years ago, my parents had already moved their long-time residency from South Jersey to South Florida. They enjoyed a small condo near Miami Beach that overlooked a river with boats passing by their balcony all day long, which was within walking distance to stores and a beautiful beach. A wonderful, well-deserved retirement place. My Mom was 85 years old when my Dad passed away and was in perfectly good health. She didn’t take any medications and was physically active, doing all of the cooking, shopping, and cleaning pretty much on her own, as she had always done. She still drove her car, paid all of the household bills, and kept her checkbook meticulously balanced to the penny! But Something Seemed to Be Wrong... (Continue Reading)
IRA Owner Beware: Important Deadline Coming August 31st - August 2020 NewsletterIf you (or your parents) have an IRA, read on.Planning Opportunity #1:If You Already Took Some Required Minimum Distributions in 2020,You Can Avoid Income Taxes By Acting Right Away If you reached age 70 ½ in2019 or earlier, the rule has been you must withdraw from your IRA the Required Minimum Distributions (“RMDs”) in 2020. These withdrawals are typically taxable at your highest bracket rate...
Guess What May Be Coming Back! - July 2020 NewsletterThe government may be trying to get their hands into your and your loved ones’ pockets again - - and in a VERY BIG way! I’m not going to predict which political party will win the November election and control the Presidency, Senate, and House. But I do need to let you know what may happen if Democrats wind up winning all three, which appears more and more likely according to the polls. (I’m not taking a political stand here, just stating facts, so please don’t shoot the messenger!)
Our Fondest Memories of Dad! - June 2020 NewsletterAs we approach the celebration of Father’s Day, our firm’s members each take a moment to reflect upon our fondest memories of Dad.
Kids Aged 18 to 26 Are Such a Problem! (Just not in the way you may think) - May 2020 NewsletterOnce a child (or grandchild) reaches age 18, in California and many other states he or she is considered an “adult” (at least for legal purposes). However, that young adult may still depend on his or her parents for financial support or for help in making important financial and health care decisions. Unfortunately, if a Young Adult Suffers a Major Accident or Becomes Seriously Ill, What Happens Then?
Answers To The Common Questions We're Now Getting From Clients - April 2020 NewsletterWe recently sent you an e-mail regarding the current status of our office and our services. However, we still received a lot of follow-up questions. We figured that it might be helpful for us to answer them for everyone else who might have had the same question, but perhaps didn't raise their hand. If you have any other questions that we may not have answered here, we want you to know that we are happy to hear from you.
What's Really "Fair"? - March 2020 NewsletterWhen It Comes To Dividing Your Estate Between Your Children (or Other Beneficiaries), What's Really "Fair"?
New "SECURE" Act Makes Your IRAs Less Secure! - February 2020 Newsletter*IRA OWNERS BEWARE* New "SECURE" Act Makes Your IRAs Less Secure! If you have IRAs that in total (including your spouses') exceed $200,000, you must read on.
It's Time for a New Year's Resolution That You'll Actually Keep! - January 2020 NewsletterIt's Time for a New Year's Resolution That You'll Actually Keep!
Some Fun Family Activities For The Holidays - December 2019 NewsletterToday it seems all the rage to seek out your “roots” and it’s easier to do than ever thanks to modern technology. This can be a fun family activity, too!
We Goofed! - November 2019 NewsletterYou may have missed out on some very important information - - and it’s our fault!